Friday 7 January 2011

Spag Bol and me

On top of spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball,
When somebody sneezed.

It rolled off the table,
And on to the floor,
And then my poor meatball,
Rolled out of the door.

I love my husbands Spaghetti Bolognese, it's rich, it's meaty, it's packed with flavour. He made it last night and all I could do was watch as he and our daughter shoved it down their rotten throats... I nearly cracked, very, very nearly cracked.
But I stayed strong, strong enough to choke back the prawns that sat before me... Prawns, once a luxury have become a staple, something to add in place of real flesh.
I did an online shop last night, ordered mackerel and salmon, mussels and yet more prawns before heading for the virtual meat counter and remembering exactly what I am missing with my year of madness.
Lamb terrines... Koftas... Beef or Chicken Tortillas... Burgers... Bloody steaks and of course my husbands lovely, lovely Spaghetti Bolognese.
But this is what I must go through. This is a personal crusade. I have no one to letdown but myself.
I will eat nowt but fish...

1 comment:

  1. As a keen follower of this blog, I'd like to suggest a topic for next years challenge.
    A year of living canabalisticly.
    Now before you get all heated beneath your collar or cuffs, hear me out.
    Over the forth coming year, friends and family can start collecting bits of human flesh that have become estranged from their parent bodies. this could be as mundane as scabs from children's knees, or accidentally removed sections of finger (that applies to me especially). These meat products could then be preserved by using salt or freezing. For a more daring menu, menstrual blood could be used to make a delicious black pudding. Any pregnant lady friends could provide placentas for a nice meat loaf or stew. I'm sure there are many other recipes available on the internet. Colostrum cheese cake would be a nice pud.
    I would be very happy to donate any meat I have spare as and when it becomes available.
    I think this would be an actual proper challenge, as a consequence, you would get a greater number of followers. Start saving now and lets see how far you get.
    I for one can say with some assurance, that my meat is humanely farmed, organic and represents very low carbon road miles.
    Go on girl, you know it makes sense.
    Many love
